Utah's Indepenent Majority Continues to Grow

From Randy Miller at The Hankster:
Not to be confused with the party of no, the first bloc of Utah voters to amass 1 million voters will be the unaffiliated or as we prefer independent voters--no party or party of no thanks. On May 31 the independent voter total was 987,244. Today, October 21, 2011 the total is 998,069. Harold Camping may be predicting that the end of the world is today, but Microsoft Excel is telling me that independents will officially reach the 1 million mark at 8:22 am on December 13, 2011.

Independent voter growth was roughly twice that of Republican voters during the period.

Snapshot of growth:

1 comment:

muebles alcorcon said...

A great deal of effective information for me!
