
• House: Rob John (I), Mark Layfield (I), David Marsh Walter (Constitution Party), Eddison T. Walters (I)
• Governor: Don Wright (Alaskan Ind.), Tim Triumph (I), William S. "Billy" Toien (Libertarian)
• Senate: Fredrick D. "David" Haase (Libertarian), R. Timothy "Tim" Carter (I), Ted Gianoutsos (I)
• Governor: John Paul Mitchell (I), Kent Couchee (I), Barry J. Hess (Libertarian), Harold F. Howard (I)
• Senate: Leonard Clark (I), Jerry Joslyn (Green), David F. "Dave" Nolan (Libertarian)
• House: Joe Cobb (L), Nick Coons (L), Richard Grayson (G), Brian Hill (I), Powell Gammill (L), William Stephen "Average Joe" Crum (G), Michael L. Shoen (L), Leonard A. Clark (G – Write-in), Rebecca DeWitt (G), George Keane (L), Harley Dean Meyer (I), Steven M. Stoltz (L)
• Governor: Jim Lendall (G), Tull Mayor Frank Gilbert (Constitution Party), Elvis D. "Joey Elvis" Presley (Write-in)
• Senate: Trevor Drown (I), John Laney Gray, III (G)
• House: Jerry Coon (I), Ken Adler (G), Lance Levi (I), Lewis Kennedy (G), Joshua Drake (G)
• Governor: Laura Wells (G), Chelene Nightengale (AIP), Dale Ogden (L), Carlos Alvarez (P&F), Derek Folley (I), Georges Marciano (I), Jacob Vangelisti (I), Rakesh Kumar Christian (American People's Party)
• Senate: Edward C. Noonan (AIP), Jerry Leon Carroll (I), Deacon Alexander (Green), Gail Lightfoot (L), Duane Roberts (G), Marsha Feinland (Peace and Freedom), Neil Brian Goldberg (I)
• House: Carol Stone Wolman (G), Mike Rodrigues (L), Jerry L. Leidecker (AIP), Michael "Mike" Roskey (P&F), Stephen Donald "Steve" Favis (I), Benjamin A. "Ben" Emery (G), Gerald Allen "Jerry" Frink (P&F), Joel R. Smolen (L), Eugene E. "Gene" Ruyle (P&F), Daniel W. "Dan" Roberts (AIP), Philip Zimt Berg(L), Gloria E. La Riva (I), Cindy Sheehan (I), Dave Heller (G), James M. "Jim" Eyer (L), Larry Allen (P&F), Jeremy Cloward (G), David Christensen (AIP), Mark Paul Williams(L), Christopher James "Chris" Pareja (TEA), Paul Lazaga (L), Eric Peterson (G), Mary Virginia Larkin (L), William Tharon Chandler (I), Darrell M. Stafford (L), John Victor Hager (I), Lance A. Aguiar (No Affiliation), Randall Weissbuch (L), David Lawrence Miller (AIP), Bruce Harry Darian (I), Carlos A. Rodriguez (L), William P. "Bill" Cushing (L), Erich D. Miller (L), Richard R. Castaldo (P&F), Herb Peters (L), Nicholas "Nick" Dibs (I), Tracy Lynn Turner (I), John Albert Smith (AIP), Mark Lambert (L), Bill Lussenheide (AIP), Cecilia Patricia "Ceci" Iglesias (I), Mike Binkley (L), Mike Paster (L), Dion Clark (AIP), Lars Grossmith (L), Miriam E. Clark (P&F), Michael Benoit (L), Paul-Michael Dekker (L),
• Governor: Levi Hancock (Unity), Rich Hand (I), Jaimes Brown (L), Thomas G. "Tom" Tancredo (Constitution Party)
• Senate: Mac Stringer (L), Bob Kinsey (G), Jorge H. "J." Moromisato (I),
• House: Gary Swing (G), Clint Jones (L), Christopher Thomas "Chris" Styskal (American Constitution), Curtis Lee Harris (L), Jenna Goss (American Constitution), Gregory "Greg" Gilman (L), Jake Segrest (I), Doug Aden (American Constitution), Ken "Wasko" Waszkiewicz (I), Jerell B. Klaver (L), Brian "Constitution" Scott (American Constitution), Rob McNealy (L), Buckley W. "Buck" Bailey (L)
• Governor: Thomas E. "Tom" Marsh (Independent Party of CT)
• Senate: Vincent Forras (I), John Mertens (I)
• House: Kenneth James "Ken" Krayeske (G), Christopher "Chris" Hutchinson (I), John Pistone (I), Dan Reale (L), G. Scott Deshefy (G), Dan Reale (L), Matthew Jason Joseff (I), Rick Torres (L), Sam S.F. Caligiuri (Ind. CT)
• Senate: James W. "Jim" Rash (L)
• Congress: Earl Lofland (Constitution), Brent A. Wangen (L)
• Governor: Farid A. Khavari (I), Peter Allen (Independence), John Wayne Smith (L)
• Senate: Bernard F. "Bernie" DeCastro (Constitution), Alexander Snitker (L), Charlie Crist (I)
• House: Paul McKain (Whig), Peg Dunmire (TEA), Randy Wilkinson (TEA), John Annarumma (Whig), Clayton Schock (Whig), Stephen Bacon (Whig), Craig Porter (Whig), Gary Koniz (I), Nicholas Ruiz (G), Thomas Snider (L), Ray Netherwood (Unaffiliated), Steve Wilkie (Green), Jim McCormick (Unaffiliated), Marc Luzietti (S)
• Governor: John Monds (L), Neal Horsley (CRP)
• Senate: Chuck Donovan (L)
• House: Eugene Moon (C/I), Alan Weaver (I), Michael Frisbee (C)
• Governor: Daniel H. Cunningham (Free Energy), Paul A. Manner (Non-part), Thomas W. "Tom" Pollard (NP)
• Senate: James R. "Jim" Brewer, Jr. (G), Lloyd Jeffrey Mallan (L), Jeffrey Steven "Jeff" Jarrett (Non-partisan)
• Governor: Jana Kemp (I), Marvin Richardson (I)
• Senate: Randy Lynn Bergquist (Constitution), Ted Dunlap (L), Marvin "Pro-Life" Richardson (I)
• House: Michael James "Mike" Washburn (L), David Edwin "Dave" Olson (I), Brian Schad (I)
• Governor: Randy Stufflebeam (C), Rich Whitney (G), Michael White (I), Lex Green (L), Scott Lee Cohen (I)
• Senate: LeAlan Jones (G), John D. Blyth (I), Michael Labno (L), Will Boyd (I)
• House: Jeff Adams (G), Anthony W. Williams (G), Laurel Lambert Schmidt (G), Robert J. "Bob" Burns (G), Matthew "Matt" Reichel (G), William Curt "Bill" Scheurer (G), Simon Ribeiro (G), Rodger W. Jennings (G), Daniel J. "Dan" Kairis (G), Terry G. Campbell (G), Roger K. Davis (G), Sheldon Schafer (G),
• Senate: Rebecca Sink-Burris (L), Donnie H. "Don" Harris (I)
• House: George Holland (L), Ron Kimsey (I), Jon Morris (L), Mark Vogel (L), Scott Wise (L), John Duncan (L), Michael C. "Mike" Hight (I, L), Richard Andrew "Chard" Reid (L), Jesse C. Trueblood (I), Talmage "T.J." Thompson, Jr. (L), John Wayne Cunningham (L), Greg "No Bull" Knott (L)
• Governor: Eric Cooper (L), Rick Phillips (Constitution), Jonathan Narcisse (I), David Rosenfeld (Socialist Workers)
• Senate: John Heiderscheit (L), Maggie Trowe (Socialist Workers, write-in)
• House: Rob J. Petsche (L), Jonathan Jay "Jon" Tack (C), Gary Joseph Sicard (L), Rebecca Williamson (SWP), Dan Lensing (I), Martin James Monroe (I),
• Governor: Andrew P. Gray (L), Kenneth W. "Ken" Cannon (Reform)
• Senate: Michael William Dann (L), Joseph K. "Joe" Bellis, III (Reform)
• House: Susan Ducey (Reform), Jack Warner (L), Robert Garrard (L), Jasmin Talbert (L), Wayne L. Briscoe (I),
• Governor (2011): Gatewood Galbraith (I)
• House: Edward A. "Ed" Martin (L), Michael D. Hansen (I, C)
• Senate: Randall Todd Hayes (L), William R. McShan (Reform), Bob Lang (I)
• House: Arden Wells (O), Anthony Kipp Marquize (No party), Artis Cash (O), Tom" Gibbs, Jr. (NP)
• Governor: Eliot Cutler (I), Sam Bailey (I), Shawn H. Moody (I), Kevin L. Scott (I)
• Governor: Susan Gaztanaga (L), Maria Allwine (G), Eric Delano Knowles (C)
• Senate: Richard Shawver (C), Natasha Pettigrew (G), James Guy Adams (L)
• House: Richard Davis (L), Jack N. Wilson, Sr. (U, L), Lorenzo Gaztanaga (L), Alain Emile Lareau, Jr. (C), Jerry McKinley (L), H. Gavin Shickle (L), Dan Massey (L), Michael Reed (C), Scott James Spencer (L), Fred Nordhorn (C), Mark Andrew Grannis (L)
• Governor: Timothy P. "Tim" Cahill (I), Jill Stein (Green-Rainbow)
• House: Michael Engel (I), Margaret M. Keegan (I), Patrick Barron (N/A), Dale Edward Brown (I), Robert Michael "Bob" Clark (I, L), Philip L. "Phil" Dunkelbarger (I), Thomas A. "Tom" Lawler (I), Maryanne Lewis (I), James Andrew "Jim" Sheets (I), Peter A. White (I)
• Governor: Harley G. Mikkelson (G), Kenneth "Ken" Proctor (L), Stacey Mathia (US Taxpayers')
• House: Ellis Boal (G), Keith Shelton (L), Patrick "Pat" Lambert (US Taxpayers'), Glenn A. Wilson (I), Lloyd Clarke (G), Joseph "Jay" Gillotte (L), Ronald E. Graeser (US Taxpayers'), Charlie Shick (G), James Matthew Rogers (L), Theodore Brooks "Ted" Gerrard (US Taxpayers'), Clint Foster (L), John Emerick (US Taxpayers'), J. Matthew "Matt" de Heus (G), Michael J. Moon (L), Pat Foster (G), Frederick Carl "Fred" Strand (L), Melvin Dean "Mel" Vaulkner (US Taxpayers), Richard Wunsch (G), Gregory "Greg" Merle (L), Scott Aughney (I), Danny Edward "Dan" Davis (I, TEA), Bhagwan "Bob" Dashairya (L), Douglas Campbell (G), Adam Goodman (L), Robert "Bob" Gray (I), Candace Ruth Caveny (G), Claude Beavers (L), John J. Tatar (L), Julia Williams (G), Leonard Schwartz (L), Alan Jacquemotte (Natural Law), Lester "Les" Townsend (US Taxpayers), George Corsetti (G), Heidi Soosha Peterson (L), Richard J. "Rick" Secula (L), Marc Sosnowski (US Taxpayers), Aimee Smith (G), Kerry Lee Morgan (L)
• Governor: Farheen Hakeem (G), Tom Horner (Independence), Linda S. Eno (I), Ken Pentel (G, I), Thomas Christopher "Chris" Wright (I)
• House: Steven John Wilson (Independence), Lars Allen Johnson (I), Stephen W. Steve Carlson (Independence), Thomas "Tom" Schrunk (Independence), Michael James CavlaEugene "Gene" Waldorfn (Independent Progressive), Lynne Torgerson (I), Bob Anderson (Independence), Abraham P. "Aubrey" Immelman (I), Glen R. Menze (Independence), Eugene "Gene" Waldorf (I), Richard "George" Burton (C), Timothy L. "Tim" Olson (Independence)
• House: Gail Giaramita (C), Harold M. Taylor (L), Barbara Dale Washer (Reform), A. G. Baddley (I), Lester L. "Les" Green (I), Wally Pang (I), Kenneth "Tim" Hampton (L)
• Senate: Midge Potts (Progressive), Jerry Garth Beck (C), Jonathan Dine (L)
• House: Julie Stone (L), Steve Mosbacher (L), Nicholas J. "Nick" Ivanovich (C), Steven R. Hedrick (L), Gregory Allen "Greg" Cowan (C), Jason Michael Braun (L), Dave Lay (C), Randall David "Randy" Langkraehr (L), Kyle A. Yarber (I), Kevin Craig (L), Nicholas Ivan "NIL" Ladendorf (Progressive, Green), Dean Richard Moore, Jr. (I), Rick Vandeven (L), Lawrence David "Larry" Bill (I), Christopher Willaim Dwyer (L)
• House: Mike Fellows (L)
• House: Daniel Nathan "Dan" Hill (I)
• Governor: David Scott Curtis (G), Arthur Forest "Art" Lampitt, Jr. (L), Floyd Fitzgibbons (IAP), Eugene "Gino" DiSimone (I), Aaron Yehuda Honig (I)
• Senate: Timothy "Tim" Fasano (IAP), Jon Scott "Scott" Ashjian (TEA), Michael L. Haines (I), Jesse Holland (I), Jeffrey C. Reeves (I)
• House: Edward George "Ed" Klapproth, Jr. (L), Jonathan J. Hansen (IAP), Russell Best (IAP), Joseph P. "Joe" Silvestri (L), Scott David Narter (IAP), Barry Michaels (I)
New Hampshire
• Governor: John J. Babiarz (L)
• Senate: Ken Blevins (L), Chris Booth (I), Brian Chabot (I), Tom Peters (I)
• House: Philip Hodson (L), John Taft (I), Timothy "Tim" vanBlommesteyn (I)
New Jersey
• Congress: Mark Heacock (G), Peter Frank Boyce (C), Mark Lovett (I), Vitov Valdes-Munoz (I), Russ Conger (L), Peter M. DeStefano (I), Lawrence J. "Larry" Donahue (I), Robert Edward "Ed" Forchion, Jr. (I), Steven "Steve" Welzer (G), Joseph A. "Joe" Siano (L), David R. Meiswinkle (I), Ed Fanning (G), Mark D. Quick (I), Raymond Giangrasso (I),
Robert Louis Toussaint (I), James "Jim" Gawron (L), Kenneth J. Cody (I), Anthony Zanowic (I)
New Mexico
• House: Jerry Scott (C),
New York
• Governor:Howie Hawkins (G), Warren Redlich (L), Kristin Davis (Anti-Prohibition), Jimmy McMillan (Rent is too High)
• Senate: Cecile Ann Lawrence (G), John Clifton (L), Vivia Morgan (Anti-Prohibition), Lumies Joseph Huff, II (Rent is too High), David Robert Malpass (Taxpayers), Bruce A. Blakeman (I), Colia L. LaFayette Clark (G)
• House: Christopher N. "Chris" Cox (Taxpayers), Anthony E. Tolda (C), Elizabeth "Liz" Berney (L), Anthony "Tony" Gronowicz (G), Craig Schley (I), Douglas L. "Doug" Hoffman (Conservative), Marc Alan Romain (L), Dean J. Sandstrom (L)
North Carolina
• Senate: Mike Beitler (L)
• House: Tom Rose (L), Darryl Alan Holloman (L), Bradley "Brad" Smith (I), Thomas B. Hill (L), Lon Vernon Cecil (L), James Anthony Hardesty (I)
North Dakota
• Senate: Keith J. Hanson (L)
• Governor: Dennis Spisak (G), Ken Matesz (L)
• Senate: Daniel H. "Dan" La Botz (Socialist Party), Eric LaMont Gregory (I), Eric Deaton (I), Steven Lahanas (I), Adam Schaffer (I), Warren P. Brown (I),
• House: Richard L. "Rich" Stevenson (G), Jim Berns (L), Marcus "Marc" Johnston (L), Donald Charles "Don" Kissick (L), Brian L. Smith (L), Richard E. Cadle (C), Martin J. "Buck" Elsass (L), Cory McCusker (I), David W. Easton (C), John David Anderson (L), Chad A. Kreemer (I), James J. "Jim" Condit, Jr. (C), David A. Harlow (L), Jason David Werner (I), Travis M. Irvine (L), Robert M. Suwinski (I), John M. Jelenic (L), Jeffrey J. "Jeff" Blevins (L), Stan J. Henry (I)
• Senate: Stephen Paul "Steve" Wallace (I), Ronald F. Dwyer (I)
• House: Clark Duffe (I, L), Angelia O'Dell (I, L), Dave John White (I)
• Governor: Gregory E. "Greg" Kord (C), Wes W. Wagner (L)
• Senate: Marc Delphine (L), Richard K. "Rick" Staggenborg (Progressive), Bruce Cronk (WFP)
• House: Donald H. LaMunyon (C), Harry Joe Tabor (L), Christopher Kenneth "Chris" Henry (Pacific Green, Progressive), Daniel Karl Seigler (N/A), Jeffrey T. "Jeff" Lawrence (L), Michael Meo (Pacific Green, Pirate), Michael Allan "Mike" Beilstein (Pacific Green), Christopher J. "Chris" Lugo (Pacific Green), Paul Aranas (N/A)
• Governor: Richard Gordon (I), Robert Allen Mansfield (I)
• Senate: Michael Yilit (IA)
• House: Jake Towne (L), Bruce Teich (I), Terry Ronzio (Unity), Jim Schneller (I), Vernon L. Etzel (L), Chad Clopper (I), Terry Ronzio (C), Demo Agoris (L), Ed Bortz (G), Dan Frank (C), Joshua A. "Josh" Monighan (I)
Rhode Island
• Governor: Lincoln Chafee (I), Todd Giroux (I), Kenneth J. "Ken" Block (Moderate Party RI),
• House: Kenneth A. "Ken" Capalbo (I), John Olaf Matson, Sr. (I)
South Carolina
• Governor: Morgan Bruce Reeves (I)
• Senate: Tom Clements (G)
• House: Robert Dobbs (G), Keith Blandford (L), Jimmy Wood (Ind.), Milton Elmer "Mac" McCullough, Jr. (Citizens United), Rob Groce (WFP), Marc Alan Beaman (C), Eddie McCain (L), John Dalen (C), David Michael "Dave" Edwards (C), C. Faye Walters (G), Richard "Rick" Mahler (L), Nammu Y. Muhammad (G)
South Dakota
• House: B. Thomas Marking (I)
• Governor: Bayron E. Binkley, Jr. (I), Brandon Dodds (I), Samuel David Duck (I), David Gatchell (I), Toni K. Hall (I), Boyce T. McCall, Sr. (I), James Reesor (I), Carl "Two Feathers" Whitaker (I)
• House: Stephen Collings (I, Pirate), Kermit E. Steck (I, C), H. James "Jim" Headings (I, C), Joseph R. "Joe" Leinweber, Jr. (I), William Gregory "Greg" Samples (I, L), Donald "Don" Barkman (I), Morris F. "Mo" Kiah (I,L), Savas T. Kyriakidis (I), James Anthony Gray (I), Gerald York, John P. Miglietta (G, I), William "Bill" Crook (I), Jacqueline Marie "Jackie" Miller (I), John W. "Big John" Smith (I),Thomas "Clark" Taylor (I), James Gregory Whitfield, II (I), Jim Boyd (I), Brandon Eric Gore (I), Tommy N. Hay (I), J. William "Bill" Stone (I), Perry Steele (I), Sandra Sullivan (I)
• Governor: Deb Shafto (G), Katherine Youngblood "Kathie" Glass (L),
• Senate: Jack Oslin (C), Jon Roland (L),
• House: Michael Hope (I, L), Robert Hostetler (I) Michael Barrett (Constitution), Tracy Hall (I), David McCurrach (I), Nicholas Nix (I) Don Tracey (I), David Smith (L), James Strohm (L), Mike Taylor (L), Jim Prindle (L), Drew Parks (L), Jim Stutsman (L), Ed Mishou (L), Bruce West (L), David LeBlanc (L), Mike Idrogo (L), Chip Peterson (L), John Jay Myers (L), Chris Claytor (L), Jim Howe (G), James Keith "Keith" Dyer (I)
[Note: due to the large number of Libertarian candidates running for various offices in Texas (almost 200!), it has become unwieldy to include all of them here, but the LP of Texas has already compiled a comprehensive list of their own. Be sure to check it out.]
• Governor: W. Andrew McCullough (L), Farley M. Anderson (I)
• Senate: Scott N. Bradley (C),
• House: Kirk D. Pearson (C), Jared Paul Stratton (L), Randall Hinton (C), George David "Dave" Glissmeyer (I), Douglas Sligting (C), Jake Shannon (L), Joseph L. "Joe" Puente (I)
• Governor: Ben Mitchell (Liberty Union), Cris Ericson (Marijuana Party), Daniel "Dan" Feliciano (I), Em Peyton (I), Dennis P. Steele (I)
• Senate: Peter "Pete" Diamondstone (Liberty Union), Cris Ericson (US Marijuana Party), Daniel Freilich (I), Johenry Nunes (I)
• House: Jane Newton (Liberty Union), Sheila M. Coniff (WFP)
• House: Glenda Gail "Gail for Rail" Parker (Independent Greens), Kenneth Eugene "Kenny" Golden (Independent Greens), Douglas Alexander "Doug" "Hutch" Hutchison (N/A), James Joseph Quigley (L), John D. Kelly (I, G), Janet Murphy (Independent Greens), Jeffrey Aaron "Jeff" Clark (I, Independent Greens), Bradley S. "Brad" Rees (I), Stuart Matthew Bain (L),
Jeffrey W. "Jeff" Vanke (I, Whig), Floyd C. Bayne (Independent Greens), Matthew "Matt" Mosley (L), J. Ron Fisher (Independent Greens), Jeremiah David Heaton (Independent Greens), William B. "Bill" Redpath (L, Independent Greens), David L. Dotson (L), David William Gillis, Jr. (Independent Greens), Christopher F. DeCarlo (I), James H. "Jim" Lemon (I)
• House: Bob Jeffers-Schroder (I)
West Virginia
• Senate: Jeff Becker (C), Jesse Johnson (Mountain)
• House: Phillip "Phil" Hudok (C)
• Governor: James James (I), James Dean "Jim" Langer (I)
• Senate: Rob Taylor (Constitution)
• House: Joseph Kexel (L), Michael "Mike" Krsiean (I), Gary Kauther (I),
• Governor: Mike Wheeler (L)
• House: John Love (L)
The Green Papers, I believe, has this covered:
They also have an RSS feed for changes to the list.
Great resource. I was not familiar with it. Thanks Dale!
Keep an eye on the Maine Ethics Commission website. Augusta Edgerton and John Whitcomb are running Independent. Haven't found any websites, facebook, or tweets yet. There are a lot of rumors about people joining in later. If I hear any more people I'll let you know.
Oh an Quinlan has made no mention anywhere of his run. Lynne Williams has been out stumping and supporting a lot of things. If Quinlan makes it to the primary, I don't see him beating Williams.
thanks, Derek.
Samantha Carter is a member of the Official Candidate of the Independent American Party not the AIP.
Thank you
Samantha Carter is the Official Candidate of the Independent American Party not the AIP. Also Jeff Durbin is running for senate in Naveda under the Independent American Party Ticket.
I would like to thank all who have stepped up to serve America and the people of America. There are so many in America that feel we are not being served by the 2 Party System. We feel our elected officials are too committed to Party Bosses and not "We the People" We need people in elected office to support those who elected them and not Party Bosses or Lobbyist. May God Bless each of you and May God Bless America....AGAIN.
Many more Libertarians have filed since this was posted. Visit the LP of Texas website for more details.
Jeff Daiell'
Hi d.eris,
A couple things/corrections to add to your list. Marc Luzietti is running as a Socialist Party candidate for congress in Florida's 20th district, and Carlos Alvarez is also a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, though he's seeking the PFP nomination for governor.
I also read on the PFP blog that PSL member Gloria La Riva is planning on running against Nancy Pelosi. However, that was a post from October, and I haven't heard anything about it elsewhere.
Thanks Peter. I'm gonna update the list in the next few days (hopefully). Will add them in.
thanks for centralizing all the third party candidates as well as updating for accuracy.
Nice job!
The Kentucky Governor's Race is actually in 2011, not 2010.
Good catch, Larry. Thanks for the correction.
You're missing Bob Lang, who is an independent running for U.S. Senator in Louisiana:
Thanks for putting this together. The coming elections could proved to be VERY interesting.
Ray Netherwood
Hello all,
I thought I would offer a correction of sorts. My name is Chad Kreemer. I am running in Ohio's 7th congressional district for the U.S. House. I love what you are doing here. I couldn't agree more that both parties have, and are continuing to, let us down.
You need to change my name above to a link to my new website. It was just launched so it is under construction but will improve daily.
It is
You may also email me at
Let's take our country back, limit government, curtail spending, secure our borders etc etc etc. You know...things we should always be doing but aren't getting done.
Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks for this site. I will refer back often. Can you correct something for us. I put up a nice website for G Scott Deshefy, CT candiate for congress, 2nd district. Can you link to that, instead of his green party one. We will be removing that and/or liking to his personal site.
We'd appreciate it.
Michele L.
I don't know what it is about your site but when I click on the links, I can't see the web address. So I have no way to add the sites on My Third Party
We have 3 third party candidates running for the 3rd district Congressional seat in Kentucky:
Ed Martin - Libertarian
Michael Hansen - Independent
Darren Brinksneader - Independent
Please list them on the list of 3rd party candidates in KY. Thanks!
Doug Jamison
U.S. Senate
John Krupa
saw the story on
More from Pennsylvania
for Governor:
Marakay Rogers
Robert Allen Mansfield
for U.S. Senate:
Mel Packer
Donald John
for U.S. House:
Bill Beeman
John Vinsick
Vernon Etzel
Eric Wisener
Chad Clopper
Dan Smeriglio
Demo Agoris
Ed Bortz
Dan Frank
James Stillwagon
Scott Pigeon
This should be the proper/updated list for COLORADO:
Party Label/Party Registration [if necessary]
Jaimes Brown (Libertarian) [not a typo on his name]
Tom Tancredo (American Constitution)
Jason Clark (Independent/Unaffiliated)
Paul Fiorino (Independent/Unaffiliated)
Michael R. Moore (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
Peter Carr (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
Holly Cremeens (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
Bob Kinsey (Green)
Maclyn Stringer (Libertarian)
Charley Miller (Independent/Unaffiliated)
J. Moromisato (Independent/Unaffiliated)
Jason Napolitano (Independent Reform)
Bruce Lohmiller (Write-In/Green)
Michele Newman (Write-In/Independent)
*1st District*
Gary Swing (Green)
Chris Styskal (Libertarian)
Clint Jones (American Constitution)
*2nd District*
Curtis Harris (Libertarian)
Jenna Goss (American Constitution)
*3rd District*
Gregory Gilman (Libertarian)
Jake Segrest (Independent/Unaffiliated)
John Hargis Sr. (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
James Fritz (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
*4th District*
Doug Aden (American Constitution)
Ken Waszkiewicz (Independent/Unaffiliated)
*5th District*
Jerell Klaver (Libertarian)
Brian Scott (American Constitution)
*6th District*
Rob McNealy (Libertarian)
Michael Kearns (Write-In/Unaffiliated)
*7th District*
Buck Bailey (Libertarian)
I did not include any independent or write-in candidates who are listed as Democrats or Republicans by party registration, but I can provide those extra folks if necessary.
Libertarian: 8/9
American Constitution: 5/9
Green: 2/9
Independent Reform: 1/9
There is no mention of a 'Unity' ticket anywhere on the Colorado Elections division website.
Unofficial Candidate List:
Candidate Petitions filed with the Secretary of State for the General Election Ballot:
Actually, I should probably clarify my last comment.
There is no mention of 'Unity' ticket *candidates* on the Colorado Elections division website. It's listed as having 'Qualified Political Organization Status,' but it doesn't have any candidates listed on the website's candidate lists.
Thus, it's possible the Unity Party hasn't submitted it's list of candidates yet, so it's not incorrect to say they're official or unofficial at this point.
Billy Roper is running for Governor of Arkansas.
Dear Anonymous,
Explicitly race-based, racist and racialist parties and candidates will find no support from Poli-Tea. Thanks.
Dear everyone,
Thanks for all of your helpful and substantive comments. Working on this list by myself, given the hundreds of third party and independent candidates for governor, House and Senate nationwide, I have found it somewhat difficult to keep the list comprehensive and current, as noted at the top of the post.
Though I have put in my best effort here, I am certain that there are no doubt a fair, if not large, number of candidates whom I have overlooked. Apologies.
Though/because I may not have the time to get around to updating the list again before the election is over, please do not hesitate to continue providing names and links here in the comments.
Thanks again.
Here, try this site:
You forgot John W Hargis Sr Colorado dist 3 UN US House, great ideas.
nice blog.. very nice to know about this topic...
thanks a lot for sharing the info.
Great blog, I have just bookmarked it
Nice Thought. I'm very happy to be visiting your blog. Thanks to Author.
Thus, it's possible the Unity Party hasn't submitted it's list of candidates yet, so it's not incorrect to say they're official or unofficial at this point.
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