Updates: Third Party and Indpendent Candidates for Office 2010 and the Rough Guide to the Third Party Blogopshere

I have updated Poli-Tea's list of third party and independent candidates for office in 2010 as well as the Rough Guide to the Third Party Blogosphere. As of this counting, for the mid-term elections, there are over 150 third party and independent candidates in 41 states who have announced runs for governor, the US Senate or the House of Representatives. In the Rough Guide, I added sections on anarchism as well as the US Pirate Party, and expanded the sections on the Greens, Libertarians, Independents, Modern Whigs, Socialists, anti-duopolists, and third party issue advocacy. As always comments and suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Ross Levin said...

Thanks for this! It's an invaluable service.
