Poli-Tea on BlogTalkRadio (Update)

Just a reminder, and as I mentioned the other day, Nancy Hanks of The Hankster has invited me to discuss independent and third party politics for a BlogTalkRadio broadcast this evening. In the past, Nancy has hosted discussions of Democracy and Technology, Independent Black Politics and Third Party Movements in the US, and The Future of Politics in America. Our conversation is scheduled to begin at 8:30pm Eastern Time, you can listen live and even call in if you want to take part in the discussion, as I understand it, and it will also be available in The Hankster archive thereafter.

Update: Here's the audio from the interview and discussion. I thought it went well. I'd never done anything like radio before. It's strange to hear yourself in the third person as opposed to reading something you've written. Thanks Nancy!

1 comment:

Nancy Hanks said...

Hope your readers enjoy this show! It's so important for independents to speak out! Thanks for coming on BlogTalkRadio.com/Hankster!
