Politics and Truth

In a column for the Chicago Tribune, John Kass reflects on the indictment of former Governor Rod Balgojevich, and concludes that it is rather an indictment of the system itself.
Thursday's massive 75-page federal indictment of former Gov. Dead Meat and his crew exposed once and for all that there is no true two-party system in Illinois, but rather a bipartisan Combine of insiders who gorge on public dollars and public trust.
In this sense, Illinois can hardly be distinguished from most other states in the union, or even from the Union itself. Kass's quaint notion of a "true two-party system" refutes itself. There is no opposition to the duopoly combine inside the duopoly combine because the "bipartisan combine of insiders who gorge on public dollars and public trust" is the truth of the two-party system.

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